25-Year Wall Street insider proves you don’t need $1 million to retire

The Early Retirement
Income Plan

His plan could turn small savings into
enough income to retire

“Thanks again from an old retired person that has finally found a much needed income stream.” -Gene S.

Hello, I’m Dave Aquino.

If my name sounds familiar, it’s because you might have seen me on CNN, CBS, Fox Business, and Bloomberg for my market insight. I was a former Wall Street insider, having worked at Merrill-Lynch and Vanguard.

You know, the big boys who promote 5,400 mutual funds, ETFs, and index funds.

The same assets sitting in most people’s company retirement plans. They put their money into them, thinking they’re being smart.

But they aren’t. They’re playing right into Wall Street’s greedy hands.

Wall Street controls the media. And preaches this commandment – “Thou shalt have $1 million before you can retire.”

It’s bad enough you have to wait till age 67 before you can collect your full Social Security benefits which average just $1,844.

But to wait till you have $1 million in the bank?

That could take forever.

Wall Street knows this.

The average person aged 65 has just $255,200 in savings. That’s $744,800 shy of Wall Street’s $1 million commandment.

At age 65, there’s no way you can make up the difference.

So, people keep delaying retirement, socking away their savings into mutual funds, ETFs, target retirement and index funds.

A Fox Business survey found that…

70% of folks over age 55 will delay retirement or don’t think they’ll be able to retire.

That’s too bad.

Because the truth is, you don’t need $1 million in savings to retire.

In fact, you don’t even need $50,000.

Odds are, you just might have enough to retire today.

Sure, that’s impossible if you try to retire Wall Street’s way.

I’m age 51 now. But if I were starting over again, especially with Artificial Intelligence about to cause millions of people to lose their jobs… here’s what I’d do.

I’d use a simple little income plan. Something I learned during my time on the Street. Wealth managers swear by it to enrich clients. The public is too busy chasing crypto and tech stocks to notice. It’s a plan I call, the last hope for American retirement.

If you’re short on savings, and you want to secure your retirement, this is the best solution compared to anything else.

For starters it could offer you immediate income. And boy does it pay well.

Here’s how a week’s earnings could play out

Using this simple income plan, $500 was paid to me on Monday.

On Wednesday $563 dropped into my account.

And to top the week off…

I made $625.

In total that was $1,688 made for the week.

The previous week, I made $625 on Monday, $500 Tuesday, and $625 Friday. For a total of $1,750 last week.

And the week before that, I made $1,750 again.

The week before that, I took home $1,875.

Zoom out and over the course of a year…

That could pay you
$97,500 yearly

That’s great money.

It’s so dependable that 9 out of 10 times I do this income move, it makes me money.

But this isn’t like taking on a new job. This income plan doesn’t require 40-hour work weeks.

Talent. Software or anything else. You can be age 20… 50… 0r 80 and collect income.

A whole lot more as I’ll show you later.

It’s possible thanks to a simple process that you can copy.

Doing something the Wall Street crowd hopes you don’t wise up to. I wish I would’ve done this years ago.

It could’ve offered a less stressful lifestyle.

Instead of punching in a time clock, dealing with work office politics, fighting traffic, and coming home late wiped out… with little energy left over for my wife and kids…

I could’ve been more “present” for my family.

I could’ve relaxed more.

And had more time for friends, and hobbies like fishing… or working on classic cars.

My health probably could’ve been better too with less stress.

We all dream of how we could’ve done things over. This income plan that I’m about to show you… is your chance to restart the rest of your life.

That’s incredible!

Money like that could retire your job and keep you retired just like it did for Ariel R. She writes:

Or Gene S., who says:

Imagine if you could retire as soon as NOW.

Before being downsized by AI.

Or, if you’re already retired, having true income security for the rest of your natural life. Hauling in thousands of dollars monthly.

It doesn’t have to be a dream. In this presentation I’m going to show you three steps to make it happen.

Step 1 of this income plan is to see why this plan outperforms Wall Street’s

Let’s begin by shattering Wall Street’s biggest lies that hold you back.

Wall Street perpetuates this lie that you need at least $1 million for a very simple reason.

The more money you accumulate, the higher the fees they get for managing it. All of those target date and mutual funds in your nestegg come with management fees that you’re paying.

Over the course of your life that could mean you’ll pay a whopping $153,218 in retirement management fees.

Did you hear that?

That’s $153,218 – your money – that you’re giving to Wall Street whether they help you grow your nest egg or not!

It could be argued that Wall Street does have another way for you to generate income checks on a routine schedule.

That would be through dividend stocks or dividend funds.

But they aren’t the answer either.

The average blue chip dividend stock pays a 2.79% yield.

Far below the rate of inflation.

If you wanted to start earning $50,000 in your first year, that would require $1.8 million parked in dividend stocks.

That’s impossible for most people.

But let’s suppose you managed to save $1 million for retirement.

You would be in the top 10% of retirees.

Even still, your money could run out faster than you think.

Wall Street says you should liquidate 4% of your savings every year to cover living expenses in retirement.

That seems sensible… till you put the magnifying glass on it.

Four percent of $1 million would give you $40,000 a year.

It might work if the stock market was one continuous bull market.

But you and I both know it’s not.

If you were to retire into a down market…

In just five short years… your one million dollars could shrink to a mere –


That’s just five years from one bad market.

If that happened to you…

You better polish up your resume and hunt for a job.

To be fair, yeah, markets bounce back.

But if you’re up there in age… it doesn’t look good.

T. Rowe Price examined people’s retirement portfolio performance after retiring into the bear markets of 1973… 2000… and 2008.

They found that…

It took about 10 years to bounce back each time

10 years!

If that happened to you – you’re done.

But let’s say you’re still fairly young.

And you lost $100,000 in a downturn.

Then you made it back.

Keep in mind that in 10 years’ time, when you make that $100,000 back, it’ll be worth a lot less!

Here’s another phony claim.

There’s always analysts on TV promising a bull market around the corner…

Or an imminent surge in some trend like AI stocks… quantum computing… biotech… or whatever.

Promising that if you buy those stocks that it’ll save your retirement.

It’s false hope.

First off, you probably need “now money” not “later money.” So, waiting years for those sexy tech stocks to pay off doesn’t really help you now.

Second: We just came out of a 10-year Bull Market. The longest in American history.

It’s a different world now, one that’s not conducive to long bull markets. America is running a record $34 trillion debt.

The US is losing Reserve Dollar status to the BRICS nations…

Something some economists have warned will destroy our standard of living.

Then there’s the younger generations who aren’t as active in the stock market.

Which could mean less dollars propping up the value of stocks that you may depend on.

Wall Street’s white lies don’t stop there.

Let’s pop this next one.

Take a look at this shocking chart. It shows the performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 1900 to 2022. You’ll notice that there were four cycles of flat markets.

Markets that if you wanted to retire into… well, you probably couldn’t!
Can you imagine how nerve-wracking it would be at age 65…

Watching hopelessly as your savings does nothing for 11 to 25 years?

The truth they don’t tell you is…

57% of the time the stock market is FLAT!

I don’t like those odds.

Do you?

All in all, if you play it Wall Street’s way, it requires luck, timing, and lots of sacrifice.

And don’t forget: You’re looking at forking over $153,218… paid to the machine run by executives pulling in $14 million a year.

Who get paid enough in bonuses to buy their spoiled teens a Lamborghini.

You deserve better.

That’s the first step of this income plan. Learning the truth about retirement. So, you don’t play into Wall Street’s greedy agenda.

Now on to Step 2 of this income plan

Here’s what I would do starting over again…

This is the exciting part, where you learn where the money comes from to collect payouts like this:

Week after week you could haul in money like this.

Practically in your spare time.

Working a lot less than you probably did in your previous jobs.

So, what do you need to begin?

First, you need a Wi-Fi connection that you can access through a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. The fact you’re reading this means “Check!” you’re good to go.

Plus, a brokerage account and some trading capital.

If you’ve got $10,000 to $25,000 set aside for that, you’re in a good place. But – if you don’t, that’s ok too. You can start where you’re at and snowball your returns.

Let’s say “Check!” you’ve got that too.


Now let me show you where those daily payouts are going to come from.

Wall Street prefers you to stay focused on the US stock market…

You know, the Dow, the S&P 500, Nasdaq, lost in stock sectors, ETFs, and index funds.

It’s distracting you from a market bigger than the US Stock Market.

This bigger market is where a lot of Wall Street insiders…

Billionaires on the down-low like Warren Buffett…

And Carl Icahn… which you’ve probably seen on TV.

Are growing obscenely rich.

They’re not the only ones.

Regular Joes like you and me can cash in too.

Luckily every week more people wake up.

The market they’re generating income security from is the US Options Market. It’s something the talking heads on TV don’t give much airtime to.

Yet, the options market grew bigger than the US stock market.

About $405 billion worth of stock is traded daily.

The options market surpassed that with $450 billion in daily trading volume.

This is the Promised Land

This is where you want to be… where the money is.

And I’m going to show you how to cash in.

Maybe you’ve heard of option trading before. It’s not a closely-guarded secret. But it is stereotyped as being something that only smart people with a good mind for numbers should do.

That it’s beyond the average person.

That’s by design.

Wall Street prefers you load up on mutual funds. Which is a $26 trillion industry.

That’s bigger than the GDP of the United States!

Executives would lose most of their money if the public traded options instead.

But back to that stereotype of options being for just white collar, accountant types.

It’s a false stereotype.

You could be a High School dropout… or an Iowa dirt farmer and generate weekly cash from option trades.

It’s nothing more than learning a process, which you’ve done since childhood.

So, what are options?

Let me explain it in the simplest way possible.

Think of them as contracts on a stack of 100 shares of a stock. That stock could be IBM… Netflix… Amazon… it could be any stock, index fund, or ETF that’s publicly traded.

These option contracts are sold and bought to lock in prices on 100 shares or more of a stock.

They can be used to take a position on whether those stocks will go up in value or lower. Options are also used as a way to protect your capital against stock prices falling.

In simple terms, you’ll be making money trading these contracts.

There’s no paperwork or actual handling of contracts on your part.

For you, it’ll simply be a matter of clicking “Buy” or “Sell” within your brokerage account.

While following a larger game plan.

By the way, if you don’t have a brokerage account, that’s ok, I’ll show you how to set it up. Very simple.

In my 25 years of being in the markets… what I’ve found is that most folks who dip their toes into the water to trade options…

Usually use the wrong strategies

They’re often trading using high risk strategies… chasing big payouts.

Acting more like gamblers than someone interested in generating reliable income.

My simple income plan focuses on high-probability trades.

First, we don’t chase big triple-digit gains or high double-digit gains.

Insiders know the real action is taking lots of small wins… often ranging from a 5% to 7% return.

Next to that, we prefer to sell options rather than buy them.

And we use the same trading strategies places like Merril-Lynch and Vanguard use.

I focus on trades that have a very high chance of profiting.

Compound losses rapidly shrink your trading account and your confidence.

I believe knowing as much as possible about a very successful trading method, and repeating winners over and over is the fastest way to grow your money, skills, and confidence.

This approach plus our option income plan is why…

You could profit on about 9 out of 10 trades

Stop and think about that for a moment.

Making money on 9 out of 10 trades.

If you could put $1 into a machine and get $2 back every nine out of 10 times you inserted that bill in…

Wouldn’t you keep doing it?

I know I would.

And so are thousands of others I’ve shown this simple income plan to.

Better yet, by trading options the way I teach, you don’t have to wait years to collect returns.

You could collect returns as fast as 11 hours in some cases!

It could also mean having two to three paydays weekly.

A few minutes ago, I showed how the stock market has more bear markets and flat markets than Wall Street lets on.

The way I teach options… you can make money in bull and bear markets.

As the Head Options Trader during my time at Vanguard… at one point, I was managing $660 million in client assets.

Sure, making money during a bull market is easy.

Toss dollars in and they grow.

But generating income during downturns is where it really counts. We did exactly that for clients.

During the Pandemic, on Sept 2, 2021, the S&P 500 soared. Reaching a high of 4,545. It looked like investors were rallying.

But it was a trap.

11 trading days later the S&P 500 plunged a heart-stopping 240 points.

While most folks that year sat out the stock market…

Losing sleep as their 401(k) shrank…

The options market was where the real money was made.

My trading room was a frenzy of activity. We milked those downward market moves.

And we stacked $100 bills high. Clients were making upwards of –

$30,000 – in a single day

During the worst crash since 2008!

That’s why I call this all-weather income.

There are several variations of my options income plan.

Using one of them, look at how I made money as the Dow went down, then inclined, down, and up again.

All year I made money. 37 out of 38 trades made money.

That’s a 97%-win rate

During one of the rockiest times in recent history…

When an American president was arrested…

Silicon Valley Bank collapsed…

Three hurricanes…

War in Europe…

And America being dragged into a new Middle East war.

Despite all that, you could’ve slept soundly at night, knowing you’d make money about 97% of the time.

In this example, I was doing about two trades a week in my spare time.

Often collecting my money as fast as 11 hours.

At the start of this presentation, I said I was going to blow the lid off Wall Street’s commandment – “Thou shalt have $1 million saved up before you can retire.”

I think you’re going to be shocked by how little you need to generate decent income.

Let’s say you had just $5,000 in capital to work with.

We focus on option contracts for specific stocks that work best for income. In this scenario, let’s say you purchased 10 option contracts on one of those stocks, the way I teach.

Assuming all you got was a 5% return on average from those 10 contracts…

That could pay you $2,000 for that month.

Combine that with the average Social Security benefit of $1,844… and now you’re hauling in $3,844 a month.

Not bad.

But what if you doubled that… what if you put $10,000 that month into these trades… carrying 20 option contracts.

If those 20 option contracts averaged a 5% return… you could rake in $4,000 monthly.

That would pay you $48,000 a year before taxes.

Not bad.

Earlier I showed that if you wanted to make $50,000 a year from dividend stocks, you’d need $1.8 million in working capital.

Do you see the incredible advantage in trading options for income?

If you’re employed, hauling in an extra $4,000 a month as a side hustle could really make a difference in your lifestyle.

An extra four grand a month would pay off a lot of debts and open the door to new possibilities.

But let’s say you prefer to haul in more money, a whole lot more.

Let’s say $8,000 a month is what you’d like to live on.

To do that, you’d purchase 20 option contracts instead of 40.

That would mean working with about $20,000 in capital.

Again, assuming a 5% return rate on average…

This could pay you $96,000 a year

Maybe that might be more money than you used to earn at your job.

Either way, $96,000 a year, from spare-time effort is an incredible lifestyle upgrade.

Let’s put that in perspective.

Wall Street said you need a $1 million nest-egg…

By applying their 4% rule, you’d liquidate 4% of the assets yearly. That would come out to about $3,333 a month.

But here… with option trading the way I teach it…

$20,000 in savings could be enough to pay you $8,000 monthly.

However, if you had more in savings that you were willing to allocate towards this…

You could increase your income.

Now of course, I must tell you…

These are all possibilities and examples based on experience or data. No trading plan bats 100%. And there’s always risk in any trading.

But are you starting to see why I say…

If I could go back in time, this is what I’d do?

And really, you could make a whole lot more money than this.

I only used a 5% return for these examples.

Odds are, you’ll be nailing plenty of trades at 7%… 8%… even 10% returns.

That adds more $100 bills to your weekly income.

As good as that is, it gets even better.

That’s because you can compound your returns to multiply your income. Here’s what I mean. This table shows a 5% return was made on Monday, followed by a 7% return on Wednesday, and a 6% return on Friday.

We rack up these returns the next week and the week after.

In just two weeks you could have a total return of 36%.

In three weeks, you could have a potential 54% total return on your investment. That’s fantastic. But we’re just warming up.

By the end of the month, you could be looking at a total potential return of 72%.

Just think, to make the 9% average return the S&P 500 offers, it could take 12 months.

But to make an 8 times bigger return, that could happen as fast as 30 days!

It has to be said though, past performance is no guarantee of future performance. But this is a pretty good example of how option trading the way I teach could turn tiny savings into lifetime income.

Let’s recap what we’ve covered so far.

You’ve seen Step 1 which shows how most folks play into Wall Street’s agenda. And why this income plan is a better deal.

In Step 2, you saw where we’re generating recession-proof, weekly cash from. The US Options Market.

And you saw that you don’t need $1 million to retire. With just $10,000 to $25,000 in savings, it’s possible to generate thousands of dollars monthly.

Potentially enough to make about $100,000 a year.

Moving forward, let’s go on to the next and final step.

Step 3 is to copy my income plan

And start your new lifestyle.

Before I show how – it must be said that options trading is NOT a get rich quick scheme.

If someone claims they make millions trading and can teach you how, odds are, they’re either a trust fund kid, or they’re lying, or they’re doing something shady.

Sure, the income ceiling theoretically is unlimited, but most folks aren’t going to become millionaires doing this.

We’re looking for boring, predictable income.

Taught by real Wall Street veterans.

At age 51, I have income security for life. I’m not relying on a big 401(k). I’m trading for income.

After leaving Wall Street, I realized how much better of a deal it is to learn how to trade for income. Rather than betting on a basket of stocks that you have to wait indefinitely for a payout from.

I have a love for teaching. So, I joined Base Camp Trading. They’re the largest trading education company in America. Today I’m their Head Options Instructor.

With over 129,467 students.

And 75+ combined years of trading expertise amongst our instructors.

You can check us out on Trustpilot reviews. We have a 4.9-star rating based on 138 reviews.

The Better Business Bureau gives us an “A+” rating.

Our CEO and Founder, Drew Day started as a college intern at a hedge-fund at age 21.

He’s a 16-year hedge-fund veteran. Here’s a real world audited track record of his hedge-fund he ran in 2008. It shows he generated $4.7 million for the month of October and $7.6 million on the year.

Drew has also been a featured speaker at Bloomberg Markets in London and New York. He looked high and low to put a crack team together to teach every day people how to trade like real Wall Street pros.

We have other trading instructors on the team with hedge-fund backgrounds. And the results speak for themselves.

Students who’ve gone through our training programs tell us:

We have a motto at Base Camp Trading – “Never trade alone.”

That’s why we created…

“The Income Trader’s Club”

By signing up risk-free you get a copy of my income trading plan.

It’s designed to generate a high volume of 5% to 7% returns…

On high probability trading opportunities.

Collecting payouts as fast as 11 hours…

Multiple times a week.

You don’t need $100,000… or $50,000 in TRADING CAPITAL to start.

$10,000 to $25,000 in trading capital could potentially generate substantial weekly income.

Even if you don’t have that much in trading capital, that’s ok. Simply start where you’re at.

You’ll be part of a student group with members from all walks of life. Even if you’ve never bought a single share of stock or don’t know what a 401(k) is, that’s ok.

We’ll get you up to speed in a lively, interesting training format.

As a member of the Income Trader’s Club…

You get ongoing support and training along with my income plan.

A point of interest: The Income Trader’s Club isn’t just for people who’ve never traded options before.

Even if you’re an experienced options trader you could increase your win rate and make a LOT more money

The Income Trader’s Club could level-up your game:

  • Members could increase their win rate to as high as profits on 9 out of 10 trades.
  • You could begin cashing in on a higher volume of income opportunities.
  • Your trading plan could become simpler with less hours spent in front of a screen.
  • You could have more free time to enjoy life.

Members prove it every day. Just like David D., who writes:

Or Bill R., who says:

Going for big payouts isn’t the path to being a successful trader.

Only to lose it on a string of bad trades.


The path is winning more often, upping your win rate to 9 out of 10 trades.

And being able to do it yourself without relying on software that could be prone to bugs or gone tomorrow.

When you sign up risk-free to the Income Trader’s Club…

Here’s what you’ll get:

⬛ 11-Hour Options Course:

Imagine turning your Mondays… your Wednesdays… and your Fridays into paydays. Real hold-in-your-hands cash could soon arrive on a weekly basis. It’s possible with my simple income plan I call “11-Hour Options.” It’s something I learned during my time as Head Trader at places like Merrill-Lynch and Vanguard.

This simple plan is another way bankers enrich themselves. It’s an options trading plan that anybody can use. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t graduate High School or if you’re already an experienced trader. This income plan is something you could use to potentially make $1,500 to $2,000 weekly.

Most people buy options chasing big returns with a projected payout date that could be 30 days or longer. Wall Street insiders know better. We go for short-term option trades, where the lifespan of the trade, from the point you go in, till you exit with a profit, happens as fast as 11 hours.

That helps protect you from unexpected events in the market. We’re working within predictable time frames.

Instead of hunting for big +40%… or +100% returns… we go for a high volume of high probability trades and that means lots of 4%… 5%… or 7% returns. The money adds up fast especially if you compound your profits into new trades… as I teach.

It also offers security in that if you have a losing trade, it doesn’t affect you as much. Whereas with other option trading plans, just one or two losing trades could wipe out most of your previous profits. We prefer the more reliable, more predictable income generation model.

Most traders use strategies where they barely make money on 5 out of 10 trades. They hope the big payouts make up for it. Compare that to 11-Hour Options. Over a period of three years, placing 971 trades for members of Base Camp Trading, 903 made money. That’s an exemplary record, it’s better than profiting on 9 out of 10 trades.

In my 25 years of trading, to my knowledge, no other trading plan is as high probability.

But we’re not doing a “trading plan.” We’re running an income plan. That could rescue your retirement. It’s possible on just $10,000 to $25,000 in savings to generate thousands of dollars in monthly income.

This is how you escape the Rat Race and Wall Street’s greedy agenda.

It doesn’t require a lot of time sitting in front of a screen or lining up new payouts. We focus on a few stocks that offer high predictability.

My 11-Hour Options Course consists of nine short videos that you could watch in just 1 hour and 47 minutes. Everything’s explained in plain English, using plenty of visuals so it’s easy to understand. And begin.

But that’s just the beginning. You’ll also get…

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Trading Course:

The previous course is like learning how to throw the classic one-two boxing combination with Mike Tyson power. That income plan could serve you well in life.

But this course is like learning the sweet science from start-to-finish. We want you to be a well-rounded trader. Able to use multiple trading strategies. Able to cash in on options, stocks, crypto, commodities, and currencies. In any market condition.

This just may be the most comprehensive 13-video crash course today. That’ll arm you with the know-how to trade your way out of any money problems.

It’s taught by a gifted teacher, John Osborn. He’s one of our top instructors that sometimes runs a LIVE trading room. John has a storied background, he’s a software engineer, with a background in designing human machine interfaces for submarine systems for the Department of Defense.

He’s been a trader, and a great one at that, for over 20 years. John has a lively, interesting teaching style and has experience teaching at a university.

John’s 13-video course cuts straight to the action, teaching you what truly matters to become a ninja trader.

These two courses set you up for massive success.

A complete, positive life turnaround.

However, it’s not a good idea to be a Rambo trader. On your own.

Especially if you’re starting out.

You should have support… like real trading ideas you can copy and profit from.

You should have veteran traders giving a head’s up on what lies ahead… like air traffic control to a pilot.

That’s why your membership in the Momentum Trader’s Club includes:

⬛ The Weekly Outlook:

Imagine if you knew what events were likely to unfold in the next trading week. Imagine getting a heads’ up on the best income trades to place. If you had that, it would be a game changer. Helping you plan for the week ahead, knowing how to navigate it for maximum profitability. That’s what the Weekly Outlook video is about. I post it every Friday evening. Watch it to see what’s coming in the market, how to prepare for positive and negative developments. Plus, get three to four income trade ideas handed to you on a silver platter every week. Next up, you’ll get the…

⬛ Morning Market Recap:

Overnight, lots of things could happen in the market and economy that you might benefit from knowing. Instead of waiting every Friday for a forecast video, you’ll get a “Morning Market Recap” video. In these videos, I’ll show you the latest developments in popular stocks and options. Instead of you spending an hour or two every morning reading financial news, searching for gold nuggets, this short 5- to 10-minute-long video can arm you with the insight you need to conquer the day. But what about the end of the day? You need veteran insight for that too. That’s why I’ll also publish for you, the…

⬛ Daily End of Day Video:

Towards the end of the day, new events in the market could’ve happened that affect your open trades. Perhaps you need to make a defensive move to protect an open trade. Add to your position to increase profit potential or act on a hot new opportunity. To get that support, you need an end of day video. We’ll also publish these videos in the members’ only area.

A pilot flies blind without radar and air traffic control. As a trader, you need weekly, morning and late afternoon guidance.

These video updates will support you.

But that’s not all you’ll get when you join the Income Trader’s Club. Also included are the…

⬛ Tuesday Night Office Hours:

This is a LIVE training class. Our goal is to help you become all you can be as a trader. To do that, every Tuesday at 8 pm Eastern time, John Osborn will teach a class on a trading topic. This is an interactive session where you can ask questions and get answers.

Plus, you’ll get…

⬛ Concierge Customer Support:

If you have any questions about your membership, we’ve set up a special hotline for you. You get VIP treatment all the way.

To sum up, I’m giving you my income plan… and I’ll give you weekly income trade ideas.

It’s everything you need to write your own ticket in life.

When you join risk-free today…

You’ll get the best BONUS gift a trader could ever wish for.

I’m giving you a special app that you can access through your smartphone… tablet… or computer.

It scans stocks, crypto, commodities, currencies, and bond charts. It’ll make life easier for you. It’s called the…

⬛ The MQ Momentum Trading Indicator.

There’s lots of indicators available, you might have heard of some of them, like Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands, and Fibonacci Retracement.

But in our 75 years of combined trading experience the one that counts the most is being able to measure a stock’s momentum.

But most indicators are slow, they give information that could be seconds or minutes old.

You want to trade with up-to-the-second data.

That’s why our software engineers developed the MQ Momentum Trading Indicator. It’s the Ferrari of indicators. We never trade without it.

It scans stocks or just about any publicly traded asset that can be option traded… to measure the momentum in that asset.

You want to know what the true momentum is behind any stock’s moves. A stock could seemingly be going up, but it’s a false rally. Or a stock could look like it’s about to plunge… and all the analysts on TV could be claiming it’ll plunge…

But then that stock reverses and its share price goes up or sideways.

You’ve probably seen it over and over again, where some stock whiz predicts a certain stock will go but it doesn’t.

That’s because he didn’t understand
the true momentum behind it

Which has to be measured by a special tool making thousands of calculations per second.

Something the human mind can’t do. By understanding the true momentum of a stock, it can confirm what a stock is about to do, help you spot more high probability trades, which means more money in your pocket. It also means fewer losses and less effort on your part.

Only members in good standing of the Income Trader’s Club get access to the MQ Momentum Trading Indicator.

This bonus includes a video that shows in easy-to-understand language how to set it up and how to benefit from it.

Once you do, I think you’ll see why we never trade without it!

This indicator is a $297 value. But it’s yours FREE when you join the Income Trader’s Club.

Altogether, it’s a huge package that covers every facet of being a ninja trader. Able to turn stock charts into income.

It’s a ton of value that totals $2,908.

Membership is worth every penny.

But you won’t pay that price.

Or even half of $2,908.

For a limited time only, you can get 12 months of the Income Trader’s Club for just $297.

That’s only $0.81 cents a day

This begs the question, why are we practically giving away the farm?

We view trading from the perspective of climbing a mountain.

First, you establish a base camp.

Then you make your ascent up the mountain.

The goal, to arrive at the top.

Conquering the mountain.

It’s a process.

And so is learning how to trade for income.

The Income Trader’s Club sets you up with a base camp of support.

You get the income plan.

Plus, up to 48 income trade opportunities per year.

At $297, we break even.

To cover payroll, we have to demonstrate 5-star value.

In hope that you’ll continue your trading education with us.

Or maybe one day join our LIVE trading room.

That way, you ascend the mountain of trading, growing your income in ways you might not have considered before.

That’s why you can join the Income Trader’s Club at an 89% off discount.

I’m also adding one last thing to sweeten the pot.

There’s nothing to lose by joining.

Within 60 days of joining, you’ll have seen my simple income plan. Every step of it.

You’ll have seen how we read the charts to spot income opportunities, defend trades, and exit.

This is powerful money-making information that wealth managers have long held under lock and key.

You’ll have seen it all for free, even if you cancel.

But I’m willing to take that risk because of the incredible life-changing value here.

Since most Income Trader’s Club members stay with us.

But the choice is yours. If you don’t see how this income plan could more than cover the $297 membership fee…

If you don’t see how it’s possible to collect $1,500 per week in your spare time, then let us know.

Simply contact our Raliegh, North Carolina based customer care team at (919) 935-0010 to get an immediate refund of the $297 annual fee.

And we’ll part as friends.

If I don’t deliver, you don’t pay a cent.

On the flip side, if you continue as most members do, this time next year you could be getting the best sleep ever.

Your blood pressure just might be lower.

And you might be the happiest you’ve been in a long time.

Since you won’t stress about money anymore.

As a member of the Income Trader’s Club…

You’ll know how to trade your way out of
financial trouble

It’s the most important skill you could ever learn.

Alright. Let’s recap what you’ll get when you join. Your membership in the Income Trader’s Club includes 12 months access to:

  • 11-Hour Options Course ($297 value)
  • Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Trading ($297 value)
  • Weekly Outlook ($564 value)
  • Morning Market Recap ($228 value)
  • End of Day Videos ($228 value)
  • Office Hours ($997 value)
  • MQ Momentum Indicator ($297 value)
  • Customer Concierge Service
  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

You’re getting $2,908 worth of value, for just $297!

It’s all yours at a sweetheart deal, an…

89% Off discount!

This is your shot to open a new, exciting chapter in your life. Locksley O., did it. He wrote us:

I give you my income plan.

Plus, I bring you up to 48 vetted income opportunities per year.

It’s everything you need so you could begin collecting payouts like $500 on Monday… $563 on Wednesday… $625 on Friday… week after week.

With a full support package behind you.

It’s all here waiting for you.

To get started, enter your details below.

Thanks for watching. I look forward to welcoming you to the Income Trader’s Club.

To Your Success,

Dave Aquino
Partner, Head Options Trader


Your Special Price Today: $297

To get started, simply fill out the
secure order form below:

🔒 Secure Order Form

IMPORTANT NOTICE! MicroQuant, LLC (MQ) does not hold itself out as an investment adviser or a commodity trading advisor. All information and material provided by MQ, including www.basecamptrading.com, is for educational purposes only and should not be consideredinvestment advice. Any opinions, research, analysis, prices, or other information contained in this material is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities.Trading and investing are inherently risky activities and should only be undertaken by persons capable of accepting such risk and a possible loss of all the capital they commit to such activities, and in some cases even more. The information shown is for illustrative purposes and is not meant to represent any actual trading or investing results. No representation is made that any person using the services of MQ will be profitable or will not incur losses. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.